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A Mechanism of Great Consequence



In this, The Merlin’s first lesson, he lays a foundation for an Alchemical Curriculum of Awakening.

The Art of Receiving is a cornerstone of this curriculum expanded throughout the rest of his teachings. He stresses that we are living in the highest frequency time that has ever existed on our planet -- a time of huge transformation.

Our ability to transform is proportionate to our ability to receive the huge blessings available. When we receive these blessings, our hearts are filled, creating freedom and energy to go, to do, to create, and to be happy.

Coming into alignment with the universal law of giving and receiving is a crucial aspect of our personal and collective awakening process. If you are not receiving as much as you give, you may be missing 50% of your life. Thus The Merlin calls it, “A Mechanism of Great Consequence.”

28 minutes - Transmission 1

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