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Joy In The 2nd Chakra



This transmission is presented in 2 parts, as The Merlin shares 2 distinct and yet related teachings. There is overlap in the 2 parts to create continuity of the teachings, as you listen.    

Part 1.

The Merlin speaks about the 2nd chakra (just below the belly button) as the energy center for relating to the world and the people around us. It is also the center which contains our memories of the past.

Psychologically speaking, the second chakra is the home of the inner child.  The Merlin brings our inner children into the light and love of the higher dimensions.  

24 minutes – Transmission 6, Part 1      

Part 2. The Merlin introduces the symbol of the Cross as a unique way to visualize the 5 dimensions of our human experience.   He explains that the horizontal line of the Cross represents the third dimension of time and space and the mortal aspect of ourselves. 

The vertical line of the Cross represents our connection to the Divine and the immortal aspect of ourselves.  

Where the lines intersect is symbolically the human heart, the profound meeting place of the mortal and the immortal.  

23 minutes - Transmission 6, Part 2

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